Позначки:Вімблдон, Даяна Ястремська, Еліна Світоліна Вімблдон Важливе Галереї Медіа Новини тенісу Фото. Украинки во втором круге Уимблдона Редактор 04.07.2019 Dayana Yastremska 32Shares Украинские теннисистки Даяна Ястремская и Элина Свитолина в матчах второго раунда Уимблдона. Фото: j48tennis.net, ESPN, getty j48tennis.net Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska Dayana Yastremska Dayana Yastremska Dayana Yastremska Dayana Yastremska Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska of the Ukraine during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Dayana Yastremska Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina of the Ukraine in action during her second-round match at the 2019 Wimbledon Championships Grand Slam Tennis Tournament Elina Svitolina Continue Reading Previous: Рохемптон. Юниоры. Снигур выходит в полуфиналNext: “Superior Fit” представляет: Глаз Алмаз. Уимблдон 2019. День 3. Наше послезавтра.